
JUST College of Electrical, Information and Resources Engineering and INVENTEC APPLIANCES CORPORATION(IAC) held the "Equipment Donation Ceremony" at the Self-study Center ...

JUST College of Electrical, Information and Resources Engineering and INVENTEC APPLIANCES CORPORATION(IAC) held the "Equipment Donation Ceremony" at the Self-study Center of the College of Electrical, Information and Resources Engineering today (5/22). Attendees included Zhang Shuqing, Deputy General Manager of the Finance Department of IAC, Chen Yongzhang, Manager of the Management Department, Zhang Kaijun, Manager of the Quality Assurance Department, Liu Qichang, President of the Shihlin Senior Business Parents Association, Zhang Yanyi, Honorary President of the Jingwen High School Parents Association, Xu Yuqin, President of the Hujiang High School Parents Association and the school President Yu, teachers and students of the College of Electrical, Information and Resources Engineering attended the grand event.
       President Yu expressed her gratitude to IAC for the donation of the equipment, which is helpful to the research of the students of the school. Deputy General Manager Zhang Shuqing also said that it is a great honor to donate the company's obsolete equipment to the school so that the equipment can be reused. After the meeting, it was arranged to visit the professional classroom equipment of the College of Electrical, Information and Resources Engineering, and Dean Chen Yifeng explained to guests one by one.

URL: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=644359367734198&set=pcb.644381741065294

Administrative Unit: Secretary's Office
Date: 2023/05/22